Warum Mothers Earth
Spülmaschinenstreifen die bessere Wahlist
Werde Teil der Reinigungsrevolution und verzichte ein für alle Mal auf teure, altmodische und umweltschädliche Geschirrspülmittel.
Preis pro Waschgang
Frei von Plastik
Entfernt hartnäckige Rückstände
Spendet für gute Zwecke
Gut für Ihre Spülmaschine
Einfach zu bedienen


*Preise basieren auf aktuellen Angeboten (17-7-24). Können variieren.
5 Reasons Why
You'll Love Us
Discover the benefits of our plant-based dishwasher strips, without harmful chemicals*.

Stop Plastic Pollution
No more plastic waste
Made from biodegradable ingredients
Protect animals and nature
Together, we make a difference

Affordable & Effective
Dissolves completely in hot & cold water
Suitable for all types of dishwashers and washing programs
An effective choice for daily use

Clean Without Harmful Chemicals
Free from aggressive chemicals like phosphonates, chlorine, and formaldehyde
A natural, plant-based formula that’s effective for daily dishwashing
Eco-friendly and gentle for you and your household

Free from Dangerous Microplastics
No microplastics that end up in nature
Prevents serious long-term health issues
Safe for your family

Better for the Whole Family
Safe for you and your family, without harmful residues
No exposure to aggressive chemicals
A conscious choice that protects your family's health
So funktioniert es
Strahlend sauberes Geschirr ohne Mikroplastik!
1. Belade deinen Geschirrspüler
2. Lege einen Streifen in das Waschmittelfach
3. Schalte deinen Geschirrspüler in einem beliebigen Modus ein
Es ist ein tolles Gefühl, der Umwelt etwas zurückzugeben. Genauso gut wie blitzsauberes Geschirr!
Dagmar Müller
Verifizierter Käufer
Mutter und Sohn auf einer Mission!
„Wir möchten einen Beitrag für die Welt und ihre Bewohner leisten, indem wir Giftstoffe und Plastikmüll reduzieren und gleichzeitig Menschen und Tiere in Not unterstützen.
Gemeinsam machen wir aus einer einfachen Alltagsaktivität etwas Wirkungsvolles und Bedeutsames.

30 Tage Geld-zurück-Garantie
Ich bin überzeugt, dass Sie unsere Spülmaschinenstreifen lieben werden. Falls Sie jedoch noch nicht ganz überzeugt sind!
Deshalb bieten wir eine 30-tägige Testphase an!
Wenn du aus irgendeinem Grund mit deinen Mother's Earth Waschstreifen auch nach 30 Tagen Verwendung nicht zufrieden bist, kannst du sie gegen eine volle Rückerstattung des Kaufpreises zurückgeben.
Für jeden Einkauf spenden wir in deinem Namen 10 Waschgänge an eine Wohltätigkeitsorganisation

Hilfe für Katzenheime

Hilfe für Tierheime

Organisationen gegen häusliche Gewalt

Hilfe für Wildreservate
Frequently Asked Questions
Our dishwashing strips are a sustainable and healthy alternative to traditional dishwasher tablets. They are plant-based, free of harsh chemicals such as phosphonates and chlorine, and contain no harmful microplastics. Your dishes will get clean, while choosing an eco-friendly solution that's better for your family and the planet.
Absolutely! Our dishwasher strips are specially designed to dissolve completely in water.
They are suitable for all types of dishwashers, including high-efficiency models.
No, with dishwashing strips, separate rinse agent or salt is not necessary. However, if you want to enhance the cleaning power for optimal results, you can choose to add rinse agent and/or salt.
Because we believe in our product you can try it out for 30 days!
If you are not completely satisfied we will refund your money without any hassle or questions, so you can try risk-free.
Yes. Our dishwasher strips are free from all the harmful ingredients that normal dishwasher tablets contain.
Its completely safe for baby products. And it is also good for our health.
I would recommend our fragrance-free version because it is also free of fragrance.
Yes! Our dishwasher sheets and packaging are biodegradable according to OECD 301B legislation.
With every purchase you make, we donate 10 washes for free to one of our partners of your choice.
At the moment you can choose from a cat shelter, dog shelter, and shelter for women and children of domestic violence.
We ship our products worldwide in a carbon neutral way.
All all orders with a delivery time of 5-9 working days.
Free shipping is available above £30 in the UK or $50 in the US.
Mother’s Earth has ambitions as an international brand where we want to make an impact worldwide instead of just locally. This is why we strategically chose a warehouse in China, where environmental friendliness and impact are paramount. We were looking for a warehouse that could offer the same delivery times everywhere in the world and where we could compensate our CO2 emissions as much as possible, and China is by far the best choice.
This allows us to efficiently ship and deliver our products to customers all over the world, where we can offer the best prices and have the least possible impact on our environment. You can read more about why we chose the location of our warehouse here.
We (mother and son) went to China together to visit the factory and warehouse. We can assure you that their working standards are ethical and in line with the values that we strive for as a company.
Of course, we also looked at local production, but we came to the conclusion that our goal is much greater and that we want to make a positive impact worldwide, not just in the Netherlands. In addition, local production is also a lot more expensive, where we want to focus on offering the most affordable option possible for our customers. Especially considering current inflation.
We hope that it has become a bit clearer why we ship from china.
We care very much about the state of our environment and our customers.
Yes! We want to make our subscription as easy as possible for you, so you can pause, adjust, or cancel it at any time, free of charge.
Yes! We compensate CO2 through our official partnership with Shopify, Mast Reforestation and Grassroots Carbon.
Where we support reforestation and soil retention, among other things. Read more here
We know you're going to love washing your dishes with Mother's Earth dishwasher detergent sheets, but we understand you're not sure yet.
That's why we offer a 30-day trial period.
If for any reason you're not satisfied with your Mother's Earth dishwasher sheets, even after 30 days, you can return them for a full refund.
Simply email us at support@mothersearth.com and we'll help you out.
It is important to store the dishwasher strips in a cool dry place.
Once stored properly, can last up to 2 years.
No! Because there is nothing more annoying than a "clean" dish with residue and dishes, we have tested for months to formulate the best formula.
Our dishwasher strips dissolve completely in water and make your dishes sparkling clean, without residue and stains
We have both a scent-free and lemon options, so we have something for everyone's preference!
Our scent-free option leaves no noticeable scent. Our lemon scent has a light and fresh lemon scent.
Yes, the dishwasher detergent strips can be used on eco cycles. They dissolve in water temperatures as low as at 10 degrees celsius!
Good question! We are a small family business that believes that together with our customers we can make the world a holistic better place. That the small contributions we make together add up to a huge impact on our planet, and people & animals in need.
Your experience at Mother's Earth is our top priority and you always come first with us. Here is a list of how we set ourselves apart:
- The 30-day risk-free trial wash. Where you can try our great product without risk.
- A better product than our competition. Our dishwasher detergent sheets are larger which ensures more washing power and more scent after washing.
- We give back to people and animals in need. On your behalf we donate 10 sheets with every purchase to a partner of your choice. This is completely free for you and our way to give back.